Sun Valley 'Labscapes'
2001 - Commissioned for Six 'Labscapes'
“The Summer of 2001 (before our sense of humor was severely damped by tragic events that came in September) was a good time to visit Sun Valley and Ketchum, Idaho because it had really gone to the DOGS - literally!
Dogs were everywhere all over town– of the Fiberglass breed – 20% larger than normal life size Labrador Retrievers. Thus, the Summer of the Sun Valley Lab Charity Event paired willing buyers together with artists of their choice to decorate these lovable pups.
I was commissioned to paint first one, then it lead to six altogether. Proceeds for the sale of each ‘Lab’ were given to Animal Charities after paying each artist a modest fee for their creations.
Thanks to Barry Peterson and his fine jewelry store my first LABSCAPE, commissioned by Barry and displayed both inside and sometimes outside the front of the store, I continued to get requests for more of my signature LABSCAPES.
For several months that summer all the participating Labs were displayed by host businesses or on city property all around town. One of mine was even voted BEST OF SHOW by popular vote.
It was easy for me to think of scenes to paint on these 3-D bodies (although it was no easy task in execution). I was inspired because for me and my husband - our best friend and soul mate was a black ‘Lab’ named Blue Dog - here he is…’Taking Off’ …and my copy of him on the side of the ‘Lab’.
…Blue Dog lived to leap! He would leap from standing still if he had to, but it was so exhilarating to see him leap in a high speed run into any body of water that any-body would throw anything into for him to retrieve!!! He is sorely missed even more than a decade after his passing. Here he is… ‘In Flight’… Wouldn’t you love to fly like this!” - G.P.L.