Ginna Parsons Lagergren - A Life Lived in Art

1973 - 1977 - Leather & Jewelry Commissions


Favorite Leather & Jewelry Commissions

1973 - 1977

'Painted Design - Deerskin Vest'

“For a short time between 1973 and 1977 I did leather and jewelry work in addition to continuing to paint. Part of that time I lived in a teepee up Titus Cr. near Galena Lodge 22 miles north of Sun Valley, Idaho, before eventually moving to Hailey, Idaho where I still reside.

'Ginna 24yrs 1973 - Galena Teepee Titus Creek'

Ginna 24yrs 1973 Lacing Deer Skin - Galena Lodge

The garments were made of Deerskin and the accessories usually cowhide. I decorated some with leather dye paints, burnishing tools and a wood burning tool.

'Painted Design - Deerskin Shirt'

'Ginna 24yrs - 1973 Deerskin Shirt & Bag'

'Stamped & Dyed Art - Leather Hand-laced Bag'

'Ginna 27yrs - Deerskin Top'

My attempts to make jewelry were inspired by the fact that one of my great-aunts, Elsie Parsons, was a Master Craftsman in the Society of Arts and Crafts working from 1918-1971. Her work that she did in conjunction with the Edwards Oakes Studio is archived in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.

To say the least, I realized I was not destined to follow her skill level in jewelry making, although I still like my original designs. Instead I stayed with painting, like Elsie’s sister, Ethel Parsons Paullin, who was a painter - listed in Who’s Who in American Art.

'Ginna 25yrs - 1974'

See more about these two great artists, Ginna’s great-aunts -  in  Ginna’s ‘Resume, Brief Bio, Background Influence’  + FAMILY OF ARTISTS.  - G.P.L.

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